Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bradach the funny man!

Bradach is getting to the age where he likes to be the center of it all. Weather that's by crying or making us laugh he doesn't care. So here are some things that have been going on around the Meline home. Today there was a spider in the corner of the room, Phil being the man (and the only one on two feet) went to kill it. Now if you know Phil you know he is a manly man, but did you know that Phil is afraid of spiders? Not to the girly point of the screaming and dancing but he does not like them. Any ways he had Bradach in his arms and told Bradach to be brave for him, when he smashed the spider Bradach broke out in crying. I don't know if he was sad that the spider was dead, or what but man that kid cried and cried!
Another thing is that when we are at Grandma and Grandpa Moldenhauer's house he always grabs grandpa's flip flops and takes them to him so they can go out side. At the Sunday dinner he always has to laugh loudest when a joke is told, we all turn and he gives the cheezy grin.
Today, since I'm on crutches, I was changing him on the floor. After it was all said and done I asked Bradach to throw the diaper away, and you know what the turd did? Walked straight in the kitchen and dumped it in the garbage. I was very proud of him.
He loves to dance, anything with a beat from commercials to radio to baby motzart. His new fav is dancing to Mario Kart Wii. He squats and bobs and twists. He also has picked up air drumming. He loves to air drum to Celtic Thunder. I really need to set up a cam and get this head banging and drumming to Celtic music. We named him an Irish name but I never thought he would take it so seriously! He can sit and listen to or watch on you tube this group for as long as you will let him. He knows the Irish anthem, and can pick it out. I don't think he could do that with the USA anthem....so sorry. Anyways, that's whats been going on. There are always those funny moments but they might not be so funny to others. So I will keep them for myself.


  1. Bradach is a cute little man :). Aren't little boys so much fun? I love the story of him breaking down into tears, kids do the funniest things!
