Monday, December 7, 2009
Bradach is a year and a half today!!
Bradach is awesome, he is always doing something. In most of these videos he is always moving while I'm filming. It amazes me how fast he learns. I know for the most part it is mimicking but he is a professional. Bradach's favorites include: trucks, trains, balls, dogs, cats, feeding horses, fruit of any kind, "All Dogs Go To Heaven", music and reading. He is running, climbing, feeding himself, helps do chores, and is a little performer. He does some sign language and can pronounce almost every letter in the alphabet. I'm trying to teach Spanish along with his English and its pretty fun for me. Some of the Spanish words are easier so he uses them....this ment Grandpa Rocks horse's name got changed from Red to Rojo.
Here are some video's that I took over the last week. I know this is just a brag blog, but like every mom I think my little guy is the best.
The obvious Once There Was a Snowman. He also does Itsy Bitsy Spider, 5 Pumpkins, Patty Cake, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and some wacky banana song with Grandma (mamo).
Its amazing to see his mind work through his actions.
I know the film looks rigged, but I swear he picks out all the blues, no matter where they are.
Here are some of the many animal noises he does....I tried 3 times to get the second part of the animal noises on, and it wouldn't work. I'll try to get it on a post later. I love the "ck" he does on truck and Rock. He is good at articulating the words he does use, but when he is on camera its hard to get him focused.
The book is full of pictures that he loves to point out.
Well that concludes my movies. Except my favorite one, and I will see if I can get it to work when its not 1 in the morning. When I started the blog he was 18 months, now he is 18 months 1 day.
Friday, December 4, 2009
A Nasty Little Bug!
Here is my sweet set up. Reminded me of when I was prego and got out of staying in the hospital because I know how to run fluids and handle an IV.
Daddy and Bradach layed there and watched All Dogs Go to Heaven...well dad watched it anyways. Check out the spatchula keeping his arm straight. LOL, normally there would be a little board doing that....but I don't keep little boards handy.
The next day seemed better, Bradach kept down some fluids that morning and a couple of saltines. But by that evening he was crashing with a fever. Not to mention he started the diarrhea that day along with the vomiting. So my little guy got to go back to the clinic where they admitted him to the hospital. They tested him for Rotavirus and it was positive. 80% of kids get this thing and almost all of them go through it without even thinking it was more than a bout of the squirts and maybe some vomiting. Bradach however takes after his mom and if he gets it he goes the extreme. The nurses and everyone had to gown and glove up before coming in the room. The sign made me laugh because "stop" was in Spanish and English, now who doesn't know what red stop sign signifies? LOL.
This was after Bradach got some Tylonol to bring down his fever and got his new IV. He was like holding a fireball. His dad felt bad and kept trying to play with him, but the little bug was in no mood to play. He lost quite a bit of weight for a little guy, going from a whooping 22.8 lbs to low in the 21's. A week after all of this he weighed 21.13. A cute thing was that he kept calling the IV fluid juice. We were calling it water, but he thought juice was better. By day 2 in the hospital, day 3 in the ordeal he still hadn't eaten or drank anything. So we called in the Grandpa. Grandpa brought some of his favorite snacks, dried apples, and a banana by the time he had finished Bradachs belly looked like Grandpa's.He still didn't feel great when we brought him home the next day but he was eating and drinking. For the next few days we just layed in bed and watched movies and read books. All is well now, we still are bleaching the toys and house everyday. The virus lives on surfaces for 10 days. Most of his toys are in quarantine. No one is contagious anymore, after I got it and Phil got it.
Fun news is that Bradach turns 18 months on the 7th so I'm going to try my hardest to get some of his cute tricks on camera.